a 6-week course for enriching our understanding of our INTUITION through practicing reading the cards from our own KNOWING as well as reminders and teachings on each Card and the various ELEMENTAL ENERGIES associated with the TAROT and ASTROLOGY! Once a week we meet on zoom and talk Tarot for 2 hours.
a 6-week course for enriching our understanding of our INTUITION through practicing reading the cards from our own KNOWING as well as reminders and teachings on each Card and the various ELEMENTAL ENERGIES associated with the TAROT and ASTROLOGY! Once a week we meet on zoom and talk Tarot for 2 hours.
a 6-week course for enriching our understanding of our INTUITION through practicing reading the cards from our own KNOWING as well as reminders and teachings on each Card and the various ELEMENTAL ENERGIES associated with the TAROT and ASTROLOGY! Once a week we meet on zoom and talk Tarot for 2 hours.