Who am I?
Evelyn Schmelling AKA hobo diva is a wild creatrix who dances with the spirit of the universe and speaks to authentic vision and soul exploration. After teaching in the traditional public school as a general ed English teacher and Special Education educator, she realized she was a radical teacher who needed to bring her teachings into the more expansive classroom of the world. A big part of finding her voice and healing from her splintered soul fragmentation in a humxn body involved hustling her typewriter to busk in public spaces as a way to access her connection to spirit and her mystic/channel archetype. Finding success in writing on the spot poems that bring people to tears and heartfelt tenderness has helped her more fully embody her psychic poet nature.
Her/their work is about helping all of the aspects of the selves living inside of each humxn come out; helping people to show up and shut up to access the mystical experience of being alive. A huge part of this work has to do with honoring the hot mess and seeing the trash that we often try to cover up as the stuff that has actually strengthened our power and connection to our magic. The parts of us that we feel ashamed of or afraid of is/are most often the parts that make us interesting/different and powerful which is why someone tried to oppress it in the first place.
Sensitivity is our strong suit. Our sensitive bits that feel scary to bring forth need to be recognized and befriended so we can unleash our fury; so we can acknowledge that what we thought was holding us down was really our own fear of admitting our truth. When we admit these insecurities, we are freed and we end up finding out that there are many other friends who were just waiting for us to be more true to ourselves. The fake friends we lose along the way were really just excess baggage and extra work trying to perform as a person who wasn’t actually us. The unleashing of this fury can lead to vulnerability hangovers as we practice the constant state of arrival which is: growing and healing.
This process never ends until the day we die and the continual building of authentic community makes this growing process easier and more fulfilling. Instead of remembering what you were trying to cover up in order to appear cool, you can surrender into the transformation of your ever evolving self hood.
It helps to have honest support along the journey. Evelyn has been doing this self-evolution work since birth and so her/their life experience is invaluable as a support for you on your own journey of self-evolution. Born from a long line of bad ass bitches, Evelyn can handle how real you need to get in order to make positive change in your life.
Love liberates.
There are no conditions or expectations.
We are in this together.
With love and all of the silliness implied by soul,
Evelyn Schmelling AKA hobo diva