Demystifying Tarot

The mysterious shroud that hangs around Tarot cards can be likened to the dense fog that exists around our intuition. It feels scary because we have been taught to disconnect from our ability to connect with source energy; however, each of us has this ability to directly connect with source. By playing with magical cards and reading the world around us; by trusting the way we interpret the signs and symbols that are constantly showing up in the world - we sharpen our ability to remember the magicians that we have always been.

While we would like to understand why we each have an innate ability to organically/intuitively understand our individual path to growth, it is not a spiritual question that can be answered - the magic really is this simple. It is a natural human desire to want to know everything and have it all explained so that we never have to take that leap of faith into something that we know excites us but also simultaneously tickles our fear as well. This is the nature of passion and looking into the fullest potential of the universe. We are each oracles for our own destiny, but it is less linear than traditional Western Math/Science training brain would prefer us to behave.

As we approach a deck of cards designed for opening up our minds to remember the limitless nature of the cosmos, so can we open up our minds to the limitless natures of our own minds - and therefore destinies. Not from a desire to eradicate all emotion or potential suffering - as all decks of cards intended for magical consumption contain the spectrum of ups and downs as a part of the natural rhythms of life - more so as a means to remind ourselves that dreams are real and possible for us. We will be feeling all of the things no matter what, we might as well allow ourselves the option of doing what actually excites us; since the suffering will always suck, but will feel more worth it if we are simultaneously doing that which we love.

The reason for the fear begins to make more sense when we realize the magnitude of operating inside of chaos. And the ease come the more we allow ourselves to play and pick one card or 6, and sitting with what it brings up inside without attempting to judge it too harshly. Perhaps we feel worried when we realize we have to actually let go, as doing so is a lot harder then we wanted to accept based on an illusion presented by the media; however, each time we are confronted by this challenge we get a little more comfortable with acknowledging this awkwardness inside of ourselves.

Such is the TRAIL OF THE UNIVERSE; always practicing getting better at hearing that small voice inside that just seems to know without question which way to go, when we allow ourselves to trust and embrace all of the selves that we hold inside of us - re-creating our own reality through the lens of ourselves. It is a re-framing to allow ourselves to see from our own perspective - to remember that this is all we can do in this life. By allowing ourselves to experience all of the aspects of being alive, we allow ourselves compassionate awareness for all beings. As Tarot does encompass the human condition, by being human and living fully we cannot help but understand it by our very nature.

“Learning to read the Tarot is essentially a gateway to your intuition. Humans have a deep (while often buried) relationship with archetypes, and when we begin to work with archetypes through the Tarot, we begin to learn the language of the subconscious and tap our intuition more fully.” -Amalia Scott @thehareandthemoon

The myth exists in the communities that want to pretend like they are more ‘in the know’ than others. There have been people trying to sell us what we already know since the beginning of time. There is no harm in teaching and healing each other openly. We won’t run out of a need for healers because healers need healers. So, it is time to awaken the healer in all of us by assisting in unlocking that inner door to intuition and inner knowing. The truth is: there is no wrong or right way to read the cards and no matter how many cards you pull you will be seeing into a mirror of the energy that you have already been feeling or sensing in your life. The cards are validators of your reality and that is the magic that can’t be explained; the simple truth: magic is everywhere when you are willing to see it.


2022 Loving All You Are